Nutrition Counseling

Improved health and confidence.

Take charge of your health!

Embrace a healthier, more confident you with Chase Wellness’s personalized nutrition counseling. We understand the pressures men face in maintaining health and fitness in a culture that promotes unrealistic ideals and unsustainable diets that lead to burnout. Our approach helps you break free from the diet mentality and adopt intuitive eating principles that shift you away from an all-or-nothing mindset with your food and health.

Healthy habits that actually last

Poor planning, stress eating, busy schedules, just plain giving up … It’s time for a more thoughtful, enjoyable, and sustainable routine to support your health and wellbeing. Our initial assessment will set the stage for developing lasting lifestyle changes, tailored specifically to your life’s demands and personal goals. At Chase Wellness Nutrition Counseling, we give you a chance to step back, reassess, and find a productive way forward.

Realistic, Attuned, Sustainable

Our counseling is not just about food—it’s about tuning into what your body truly needs and making peace with eating. We guide you to align your lifestyle with realistic goals and actionable steps that respect your individual journey toward health and get to the root of your challenges.


● Learning about how to balance your food preferences without sacrificing your health

● Develop healthy meal planning and cooking habits that fit into your schedule

● Building mindfulness into your life to better manage stress and emotional eating

● Navigating social events, food triggers, and food while traveling

● Embrace the mindset of progress over perfection

● Reduce binge and restrictive eating tendencies

● Learning to tune into your body’s hunger and fullness signals

● Improve confidence and comfort with your body

● Understanding the impacts of nutrition and exercise on your long-term health

● Finding the right balance of physical activity to enhance your health

● Learn about building a nutritionally balanced meal to promote satisfaction and fullness

Interested in speaking with Dan to make sure this is a good fit?

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!

Or schedule a free 15-minute call to learn more: Schedule