Change is Hard

Change is Hard

There is one truth that needs to be understood if you’re going to make any significant change in your life. Change is hard! When it comes to losing weight and sustaining a lifestyle that allows you to develop a true comfort and appreciation for your body and wellbeing, it’s one of the hardest changes you’ll likely ever make. And I’m not talking about switching from white rice to brown rice kind of hard, or learning how to bake sourdough bread-hard, or even moving to a new city sort of hard. I’m talking about developing a whole new mindset and breaking life-long habits - hard. Like making a career changing pivot and earning a new degree - hard. Breaking up with a best friend or significant other type of hard.

I’m not saying this to scare you, I’m telling you this because it’s what you need to hear if you really want to be successful. So often, we’re looking for shortcuts or roadmaps that get you to your exact destination in the least amount of time. Learning how to lose weight, keeping it off, and ultimately developing a healthier lifestyle that you find fulfilling is not linear and there’s no shortcut. We can spend endless amounts of time looking for the perfect solution or trying all the new diets out there, meanwhile the answer you’re looking for is the one you already know is true. If you want real change, it takes real work and nobody can do that work for you, not even me. Ultimately, it’s about your ability to move forward through resistance, identify your obstacles and find ways around them, and when you fall or get pushed backwards, you recognize that any setback is an opportunity for your comeback.

Accept this, and you’re already making progress towards whatever change you’re working towards. From here, it’s a matter of figuring out what you need to be most successful. Surrounding yourself with the right people, education, and environment to reach your goals is the next step. Here at Chase-Wellness, Dan’s going to provide you with everything he can to help you achieve your health goals. While change is hard, that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy the process. In fact, my goal is to help you enjoy the journey and recognize all of the accomplishments you make along the way. I guarantee that when you look back on the hard work you’re about to put into yourself, you’ll recognize just how special the tough moments are. 

Begin your health journey with chase wellness and learn more about how nutrition counseling can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.


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